[RPKI] Krill install-and-run doc update

Ximon Eighteen ximon at nlnetlabs.nl
Thu Sep 28 21:16:59 UTC 2023

Hi John,

> Op 28 sep 2023, om 22:55 heeft John Kristoff <jtk at dataplane.org> het volgende geschreven:
> On Thu, 28 Sep 2023 22:45:35 +0200
> Ximon Eighteen <ximon at nlnetlabs.nl> wrote:
>> The doc that you linked to refers to "amd64/x86_64 architecture
>> running Debian 9, 10 or 11” and Krill DEB packages are indeed
> I figured that it was limited to 11, but there is the implication that
> bookworm is available on the packages page and it wasn't obvious to me
> what the state or plan for Debian 12 was:
>  <https://nlnetlabs.nl/packages/>

Ah, that page is indeed a bit misleading as it refers to both “recent” Debian and also to Bookworm explicitly, but talks about multiple software packages rather than just Krill. We do already offer a Routinator package for Bookworm, but not yet one for Krill.

>> At the time of writing there is not yet a package available
>> specifically for the Debian 12 Bookworm O/S version, though that will
>> be remedied with the upcoming Krill 0.14 release. Unfortunately you
>> can’t use the Bullseye package on Bookworm due to an unmet dependency
>> on the libssl1.1 package, which is why the upcoming Bookworm package
>> will depend on libssl3 instead.
> That is where I am at.  I'll play around with a Cargo install and
> manually put things in place that way, but eagerly await Debian stable
> packages.  Thanks for the response and info,
> John

If by that you mean packages offered as part of the official Debian repositories we would welcome it if someone is able to arrange that.


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